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CRM Adoption Program

One of the most common questions we get regarding CRM at Concept is: “How do I get my team and organization to buy into our CRM tools?” This is not only a popular question, but it is a fair one. Your organization probably spent a lot of time, effort and money to implement a CRM… only to conclude that it is not worth much without the proper adoption and buy in.

CRM Adoption Program

We see this issue so often; we created the CRM Adoption Accountability Program. This is a program where a team of CRM experts guides your organizational adoption of CRM. Getting your whole organization involved is critical to your success and we can help you with what we have learned along the way.

We experience a lot of “light bulb” moments when we help companies finally adopt their CRM through the organization. One of them is users realizing that CRM is not an unrelated task to their goals, but it is a vital tool and resource to make them more efficiently achieve their goals. Most CRM tools are more flexible and powerful then the average user realizes. Once we have the opportunity to customize your CRM capabilities to meet your organization’s needs, the benefit, utility and adoption quickly grow.

Our CRM Adoption Program Steps:

Step 1: Prepare

During this step we take the time to learn about your specific business, process and priorities to understand how you are presently deploying CRM within your business. 

We identify your key performance indicators (KPI's) to effectively measure your success. Then we learn about all of your existing CRM customizations, integrations, apps and your organizations specific pain points. 

Step 2: Deploy

At this stage we are ready to start developing some tools that you can leverage such as dashboards to track team adoption and consistency. You can't improve what you can't measure! 

Based on the previous activities we start to devise a syllabus that is unique to your organization to teach over multiple workshop sessions either live at your location or virtually online. 

We hold two sessions a week to not only train you and your staff on selected topics from the syllabus, but also educate team members on how their efforts are contributing to trackable progress through your new dashboards.

We also record these sessions for a knowledge-base and build a library up as we go. This ensures that the best practices can be retrained, and new hires can get quickly up to speed.

Step 3: Maintain

Now that you have the best practices in place with the reporting tools you need to measure success, we help you keep moving the needle with regular accountability meetings.

These meetings help support your users and encourage them that they are growing within the system. This is also the perfect time to identify any new issues, concerns or frustrations that may emerge. Also, this is a great time to mine your users for ideas for improvement they have discovered through daily use. 

The Most Important Factor

We have found the most important differentiator in companies that succeed in CRM adoption is that there is buy in from the very top of the organization. Leveraging our CRM Adoption Accountability Program not only brings experts into your organization, but also demonstrates to your team that habits must change in order to see the lead generation results that CRM best practices promise.

There are many CRM consulting options available to you but many of them are going to tell you what you already know and push the tasks required for success back on your plate. The core of this service offering at Concept is that we give your team world class service and design automation for processes that are important, but do not need to be completed by hand.

This drives adoption and your team begins to feel the organization emphasis, the improved processes and the utility CRM has to their everyday requirements.

If you believe that your organization could benefit from our CRM Adoption Program, then start the discussion!




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