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4 Tips on Selecting the Best CRM Partner

Not getting the most out of your CRM investment? Read this blog to see what to look for when selecting a CRM partner.

Technology is constantly changing and quickly. Who would have thought that computers would become so compact and mobile? Networks for businesses used to take up large rooms and now can be hosted via a cloud service.

Technology has advanced for customer relationship management (CRM) databases too. Finding one that will provide the insight and productivity is only part of the key to success. Finding the right partner for CRM implementation or administration is the other part.

So what should you look for when selecting a CRM partner?

Things to Consider when Evaluating CRM Partners

Knowledge and Specialization

CRMs are so robust that you really need a partner with proper product knowledge for a successful implementation or administration. Otherwise, you may find yourself re-designing the platform down the road which leads to lost time and money.


You can assess a partner’s knowledge and specialization by the certifications and partner programs they have. Salesforce offers various individual certifications and partner programs for their clients. HubSpot also offers a partner program to agencies who have met certain specification.


Industry Expertise

Does the CRM partner have experience in your industry? It’s important for the partner to understand CRMs but it’s just as important to understand your business. They could spend too much time learning about your industry and backing into solutions instead of knowing how to build a solution for you from the start. If you select a partner from the start who knows or has experience in your industry or a similar industry, it will save you time and money.



Communication is key. You want a partner that you feel comfortable with and one that is not going to just push tasks for you. You want a partner who can provide insight, recommendations, and provide a good working relationship.



Be sure to check out what type of work they’ve done previously. Ask for case studies and client referrals. These will give you insight into what type of partner they’ve been for others and what you can expect out of your partnership. Many CRMs also have listings of their partners with reviews – like Salesforce AppExchange and HubSpot Solutions Directory.


Finding, evaluating, and choosing the right CRM partner can take time. However, finding the right one to meet your needs and deliver technology that works for your company. All of Concept’s CRM consultants have Salesforce certifications. And Concept is a Salesforce partner and HubSpot Gold Partner. Trust when you hire Concept that you are working with the best option for CRM implementation and administration.

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