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Summer 2020 Salesforce & HubSpot CRM Updates

If your business is utilizing Salesforce or HubSpot then you are already well aware of the bevy of tools at your disposal. Update season is here, and we wanted to share some changes made to make these tools even better.


Salesforce updates are terrific but even perusing all of them can be a little overwhelming. Here are a few that we found particularly helpful for a lot of Salesforce CRM users.

Marketing Updates:

Pardot: B2B Marketing Analytics Plus
Pardot Lightning already lets B2B Marketers manage campaigns, content, and see engagement trends as well as plenty of additional benefits. With their new update, Salesforce helps predict ROI across campaigns, marketing channels, and business units. Connect directly to all of your data sources, gain a deeper understanding of campaign performance across all stages of the funnel, and understand what happened and why it happened. You can even get some suggestions and recommendations on what to do next. Learn more about Pardot: B2B Marketing Analytics Plus.

Manufacturing Updates:

Key Account and Product Management
Manage large data sets and improve forecast accuracy by defining key accounts and product parameters based on your business priorities. Only those identified accounts and products are being forecasted, thus sharpening your focus on specific areas. You can recalculate these forecasts with a single click. Learn more about Key Account and Product Management.

Account-Based Forecasting Enhancements

The improved account-based reporting is more malleable when it comes to inspecting business performance, allowing you to analyze forecasts in greater detail than previously. Custom reporting can show information by account, product, period, or metric. This reporting can then be used by Account Managers to create custom dashboards. Learn more about Account-Based Forecasting Enhancements.

If you want the full scoop about other enhancements from Salesforce for the Summer 2020 updates, click here.



HubSpot has frequent updates but we found the following to be especially interesting. A plugin, a free tool, and an update to the CRM homepage are all worth a deeper look.

Email Marketing in HubSpot WordPress Plugin

In a world that is uncertain of many things, one thing is understood – more businesses are focusing on digital storefronts. So, who isn’t trying to improve their digital marketing efforts? In the past, when using WordPress, the process for capturing emails and engaging with contacts could easily be considered convoluted. HubSpot has streamlined and improved this process with their plugin for WordPress

HubSpot’s Free Landing Page Builder

Part of the free marketing tools bundled with HubSpot CRM is their landing page builder. Lead generation depends on the customer experience. Landing pages are integral to converting customers and HubSpot’s landing page builder makes it easy. Tons of templates, a drag and drop editor, and up to 20 free landing pages allow you to provide a wonderfully designed and unique experience for a wide range of customers. Learn more about HubSpot’s Free Landing Page Builder.

New HubSpot CRM Home Page

HubSpot made some timesaving changes to their home page layout, most notably the addition of filters moving to the top of all CRM home pages. Users are now empowered to immediately filter data based on criteria like owner, last activity date, or lead status and save frequently filtered data sets. These filters can also be saved as Views and exported in various formats for reporting purposes. HubSpot originally announced these changes on July 8th, but effective September 1st, all users will have access to the new CRM pages. Learn more about HubSpot’s CRM Home Page update.

Are you using Salesforce or HubSpot and could use a hand with updates or integrations? Choose a CRM team with experience and get the peace-of-mind that as a certified team who can handle all aspects of CRM management, your goals are our goals.

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