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6 Ways to Better Prospect for Niche Markets


Do you find yourself struggling to bring in enough qualified leads in your niche market?

If you’re operating in this space, you’re obviously aware of the challenges surrounding lead generation. While having little competition sounds great in theory, it makes finding a good amount of quality leads difficult. Even more daunting, prospecting for niche markets requires an expensive time commitment from your sales team as well as careful planning and strategy in order to succeed.

Not having enough leads in your pipeline directly affects your company’s ability to expand and, more importantly, increase revenue. The good news is that you’re not alone in the struggle and many businesses like yours have found an effective solution to the problem.

Here are six fool-proof ways to improve your prospecting process to generate qualified leads in your niche market:

1. Get on Board with Google

If you’re looking for a way to generate more qualified leads, consider investing in paid advertising on online search networks like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. While you might believe that pay per click ads aren’t essential for a niche business, by taking advantage of this targeted prospecting method you give yourself the best chance of reaching your desired audience.

The best part about advertising on Google for niche products or services is the low level of competition within the market. With only a few other ads in your niche, the chances of reaching your perfect prospects are high. To maximize your ROI, it’s key to think like a buyer. Hone in on what potential customers are searching to find products like yours, then create ad campaigns and update website content to reflect their buying process.

2. Take Advantage of Trade Shows

Attending trade shows will give you the opportunity to put yourself out in front of the right customers when they’re interested in your product or services. Even better, you can use email marketing to reach out to attendees before the show. This way, prospects will have a good idea of your company and you’ll have a chance to schedule meetings beforehand.

Trade shows are the perfect way to make yourself visible in your market segment. Plan to start by thinking about what shows your perfect buyer would attend and go there. It’ll be even better if you can get your hands on an attendee or exhibitor list. This will give you better chances of meeting the people you’re looking for when attending.

3. Capitalize on Current Customers

What better way to find new prospects than by engaging your current, satisfied customers? Surveys, testimonials, and case studies are an easy way to attract new leads to your business with very little effort. These methods also help spread the word about your company’s unique service offerings and levels of customer service, increasing the chance that the leads you bring in will be qualified.

Try reaching out to your current customers through surveys. Provide a way for them to give you feedback on what is working well and what could be improved. You can also engage customers that are satisfied with your company for testimonials that highlight how you best fit those looking for the niche services you provide. You can even take this a step further and put together case studies/customer spotlights focused on these clients. Soon enough you’ll have a pipeline full of prospects who engaged with your company through your existing customers.

4. Spend Time on Target Accounts

When you operate in a niche space you have a pretty good idea of who your ideal customer is, so why don’t you focus on prospecting to your target accounts? Spend some time creating a customer “wish list” and go after potential customers who are the perfect fit.

Knowing your current customers and their buying habits is necessary for this type of marketing, but it does have a huge payoff in the end. By reaching out to target accounts, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to be first in front of these people when they’re ready to buy.

5. Spin Your Stance on Social Media

Like most decision makers in your industry, you’ve probably always seen social media as a fluffy way to promote your company. Pretty pictures and funny memes don’t make money, right? But, the truth is that all businesses can benefit from key features of networking platforms.

For business to business organizations like yours, LinkedIn in particular offers powerful tools to help promote your products and services. One good way to leverage LinkedIn for prospecting is its advanced search capabilities. This feature lets you identify potential customers based on their location, industry, company, and more. By expanding your network to reach the right people, you’re giving yourself a ton of opportunities for building a bank of qualified leads.

6. Build Your Fan Base

An easy and fool-proof way to gain more qualified leads is to make yourself a respected, knowledgeable resource within your market segment without directly mentioning your company or sales. This creates trust and buy-in amongst industry peers as well as potential customers. A good way to get started is by participating in Trade Associations, publishing plenty of relevant ~and unbranded~ blog content, and reaching out to other well-respected connections to build mutual awareness.

If you’re having trouble creating prospecting campaigns or need help implementing these niche market solutions, we can help!

Contact Concept to generate a strategy custom to your lead gen needs!

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