If you're like most businesses, your sales funnel isn't as mature as you'd like it to be. You...
Technology is quickly evolving for sales and marketing teams – just like in our daily lives....
HubSpot and Salesforce are some of the most efficient and user-friendly CRM tools out there. They...
One of the most common questions we get regarding CRM at Concept is: “How do I get my team and...
Sales teams are focused on turning opportunities into either closed-won or closed-lost deals. But...
We all know that 2020 was a year of change that affected every industry in the global marketplace,...
As someone who has been working in Salesforce for ten-plus years and has consulted and implemented...
Technology is constantly changing and quickly. Who would have thought that computers would become...
If your business is utilizing Salesforce or HubSpot then you are already well aware of the bevy of...
Does your business utilize HubSpot CRM? Below discussed the recent updates to HubSpot’s CRM. The...
CRMs need to stay technologically advanced for users to get the most of out them. Salesforce has...