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Salesforce & HubSpot Product Updates - Spring 2020

Does your business utilize Salesforce or HubSpot CRM?  They’ve recently had some product updates we wanted to share.


Salesforce provides many updates to their products.  Spring 2020 updates include 93 features.  We’ll touch on a few that most Salesforce CRM users may find helpful.

Sales Updates
Task-Queue Assignment

Using Salesforce’s new Task-Queue Assignment, you can streamline your sales workflow by assigning tasks, so your team can take ownership quickly and manage the tasks at hand.  Learn more about Task-Queue Assignment here.

High Velocity Sales Enhancements

You can automate more complex processes with new API process availability.  This offers new branching for email engagement based on logic-based flows for sales cadences and can speed up prospect outreach with automated emails.  Want to learn more about high velocity sales enhancements, click here.

CPQ & Billing

As 2020 faces an economic downturn, your company may need forecasting revenue to help scale throughout the year.  You can utilize forecasting at any point in your quote lifecycle when you build reports that display live revenue data.  Learn more about this feature.

Analytics Updates
Dashboard Builder Enhancements

With Salesforce’s Dashboard Builder Enhancements, you can now keep version histories for saved dashboards and change back to older versions if needed.  You are also now able to create dynamic dashboards and complex bindings with clicks instead of code.  Learn more here.

Einstein Discovery: What-If Analysis

Salesforce What-If Analysis allows you to build predictive models and perform what-if scenarios to determine potential outcomes.  Learn more about What-If Analysis.

If you want to learn more about other enhancements from Salesforce for the Spring 2020 updates, click here.


The new product updates from HubSpot are for those with Marketing Hub Enterprise level.  Don’t fret if you don’t have Marketing Hub Enterprise!  HubSpot is performing beta testing for Marketing Professional and Starter Hubs for Account Based Marketing features.  So, let’s get into the new product features from early 2020.

Attribution Reporting

Do you hear from the CEO that most of your digital leads probably would have come to the company’s website anyways?  The new multi-touch revenue attribution reporting assists prove marketing impact and ROI.  It dives into deeper tracking for all customers and allows you to see what’s working and what’s not working in your campaigns.  The reporting provides some prebuilt reports but you are able to customize reports if desired.  Want to learn more about Attribution Reporting?

Adaptive Testing

Have you utilize A/B testing in email or landing pages?  Traditional A/B testing can leave something to be desired.  Do you really get a clear picture of which performed better by just splitting it 50/50?  With HubSpot Marketing Enterprise’s adaptive testing, you can utilize HubSpot’s AI to automate your A/B testing.  And when the AI has learned enough from the campaign, it will send more traffic to the better performing campaign.  So that means increased performance for your campaigns and more conversions.  Learn more about the new Adaptive Testing.


Are you part of a large company with several divisions within the Marketing Department?  Never fear!  HubSpot Marketing Hub Enterprise now allows for partitioning within the same large department with access to specific groups within the larger department.  Keep assets within one central repository versus having multiple accounts. And the best part is that the parent group can manage overall access for users and assets. 

Account Based Marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) is key to focusing on the right customers for the right campaign.  With HubSpot’s Marketing Hub Enterprise ABM product allows you to attract and engage the right customers from selected accounts.  You are now able to utilize company scoring, new ABM dashboards and reports, and ABM properties.  Read more about their ABM product expansion.

Advanced Targeting in Conversations

When someone visits your website, you know that’s the perfect opportunity to have a great conversion with an engaged customer. HubSpot’s Advanced Targeting in Conversations allows better engagement for relevant customer experiences during these conversations.  You can base chatflow criteria on new properties like location, device type, page scroll behavior, referral source, etc.  Learn more here.

Do you have a CRM and need assistance with updates or integrations? Choose a CRM team with years of experience, so you’ll have peace-of-mind that you will better utilize your resources with a certified team who can handle all aspects of CRM management.


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